Mimic an American Beaver


Heating and cooling control takes up a lot of energy. I would like to use more of natures way of circulating air.

Biomimicry idea:

Mimic how a beaver’s dam circulates air.  Hot air rises, cool air sinks. This causes convection currents that push air around. My idea is to naturally heat and cool houseboats. The cold air from the river come through vents enter the house and heat up as they rise then go out the top.



IMG_1747      Warm air goes out the top cool air from the water goes in the bottom.


How does nature help cool a beaver’s dam?

A beaver dam is on water which is colder than the ambient temperature. The cold air from the water enters the dam from many different tunnels   When hot air rises, the cool air fills in the space that hot air left. When cold air heats up it rises, then it cools down and sinks. This makes a wind, or what is called a convection current.