Mimic a Feather


Artificial building insulation doesn’t allow homes to breath while keeping temperatures regulated.

Biomimicry Idea:

Just like down feathers are used to insulate blankets and clothing, feathers can be used as a natural building material for insulating homes.  Instead of using artificial insulation, down feathers can line the roof of building in order to keep the temperature regulated and energy costs down.  Many pillows, cushions, mattresses, coats, and quilts are stuffed with these feathers. Down is nature’s way of keeping ducks and cool and well insulated.



Just as traditional synthetic insulation is used in houses, we can use feathers in the same way.
How does nature help a goose use its down feathers to insulate?

The loose structure of down feathers traps air, which helps to insulate the bird against heat loss and contributes to the buoyancy of waterbirds.