

“While you are standing here, look and listen for birds. You might hear a black-capped chickadee calling “Chic a dee dee dee.” These small, black-capped birds pick insects out of the trees. Song sparrows are also common. They are gray and brown and eat seeds, berries and insects. There are many variations of their song.

A northern flicker is a woodpecker that feeds on the ground. They eat ants, worms and sometimes berries. Flickers nest in tree cavities. American kestrels, red-tailed hawks and Cooper’s hawks can be seen perched in trees or circling their prey. Barn owls and great horned owls come out at night. They all eat small mammals. Listen for the kestrel’s “Klee, klee, klee” or the great horned owl’s deep night hooting.”

From Oak Island Nature Trail Guide: George Middle School and ODFW